Tooth loss is one of the oral health issues that may affect your overall quality of life. We cannot eat properly and smile confidently. The permanent solution to this problem is dental implants, and nowadays, we use computer-guided technologies to apply those implants. This advanced technology helps with the precise placement of implants within a very short time. we use this technology to treat patients who need dental implants.
We will now provide you with more information about the computer-guided implant surgery and the benefits you get from it.

How does computer-aided implant placement ensure accuracy?
The high accuracy and precision is the most important reason for choosing this high-tech implant surgery process. Dentists rely on the CT scan process to have a view of the jaw, and then, they use the modern systems to develop 3D images of your oral setup.
A dedicated computer program gives essential information to design the surgical template. It helps in identifying the right location for your implant placement.
Save your time
Due to the creation of a perfect surgical template, dentists do not have guesswork. That is why they can accomplish the overall process within a shorter time. Moreover, you will also have a shorter recovery process with this treatment.
Lower the risk
Computer-guided dental implant technology gives a clear picture of your teeth, anatomical configuration of your jaw, and the adjacent tissue. Thus, it minimizes the risk of complications during dental implant surgery. The surgeon may also make out the right spot for placing the implant.
Educate the patient
The detailed scanning of your oral section presents you with images to illustrate the implant placement process. You will learn more about your oral health.
Simplify the way of placing additional implants
You may have already placed an implant in your tooth. Now, you have visited the dental clinic to have implants for other teeth. In that case, computer-guided technology enables the dentist to locate the implant set in your teeth. It will be easy to place new implants in other teeth.
Computer-guided implant technologies have gained traction in the world of dentistry. These technologies have made the surgical process safer and more accurate. You will get a better outcome from relying on these dental care technologies in our clinic .
Book your appointment online and get a free dental treatment session with Dr. Khaled Alsayed.